7 Proven Black Seed Oil Benefits & Cures

Unique Black Seed Oil BenefitsThe uniqueness of the seeds from southwest Asia Nigella sativa is first realized by the many names that it is referred to: (1) Black cumin Black caraway Black sesame Onion seed Roman coriander “Black seed” is actually more of a description than a proper name, yet is preferred because it helps to distinguish it from caraway and cumin. Many health experts claim that it is, indeed, a true panacea; able to help cure everything from allergies to hypertension. Quite possibly, the most promising research has been done connecting Nigella sativa to multi-drug resistant bacteria. This is a real big deal because these so-called “superbugs” are becoming a significant public health risk. According to the National Institute of Health: (2)

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Black Seed Oil Benefits

Nigella sativa is a small flowering shrub with purple or white-tinged flowers that grows in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and western Asia.While it may look unsuspecting, the shrub produces fruits that have tiny black seeds. These black seeds have been used in remedies for thousands of years.Archaeologists even found black seeds in King Tut’s tomb, emphasizing their importance in history for healing and protection. They’re also used in cooking to add flavor to breads, curries, and pickles. When eaten, the seeds have a bitter flavor that’s often compared to cumin or oregano.

Read More Here: Black Seed Oil Benefits: For Health

14 Epic Uses For Castor Oil For Skin, Hair & Health

Castor oil is derived from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plants that grow wild in wastelands across tropical regions. It is often grown as an ornamental garden plant in milder climates, and now cultivated on a large scale for biodiesel manufacture.Castor oil has been around for a very long time, and has been widely used for medicinal purposes in its native lands spread across Africa, the Indian subcontinent and the Mediterranean basin. It is one of the first vegetable oils to be used for industrial purposes because of its high viscosity and lubricating property. In fact, the automotive lubricant company Castrol derives its name from castor oil.Infamous as a laxative, many people consider castor oil a crude product. But this unique vegetable oil has so many wonderful uses that it deserves a place in every home.

Source: 14 Epic Uses For Castor Oil For Skin, Hair & Health

4 Reasons Living With Less Can Change Your Life – and Save the World

Our lives are incredibly complicated. This has become a fact of modern society as it seems that there is not a single task that we do on a daily basis that is cut and dry, simple. From the moment we wake up in the morning, we’re faced with a series of choices and challenges. One only needs to peek into their bathroom cabinet and come face to face with the plethora of scented scrubs, shampoos, and shaving gels to feel immediately overwhelmed. The fact is, we live in a consumer culture that tells us that we don’t only want 10 different products that all serve the same basic purpose – but we also need them for one reason or other.As a result of this nagging urge to have the most, best products – from electronics, to clothes, to cars, and everything in between – we’ve amassed way more stuff than we probably could ever use … let alone really need. Although we might have purchased all of these things with the intention of improving our lives in some way, we’re finding that getting more stuff just for the sake of having stuff is doing the exact opposite.Having too much stuff not only creates physical clutter (don’t think just because you jam all of last season’s clothing in a closet means it goes away!), but it creates mental and emotional clutter as well. Studies have found that too much clutter can lower your ability to focus and process information and even contribute to stress and anxiety levels. So, how can we avoid all of these adverse effects of too much stuff? Well, it all starts with learning to live with less.

more here: 4 Reasons Living With Less Can Change Your Life – and Save the World | One Green Planet

8 Plants That Are Good for Treating Bumps, Bruises and Cuts

For those who are DIY junkies or out in the garden on a regular basis, the chances of at some point acquiring a bruise or cut to show off are high. Heck, even folks who aren’t necessarily all that active sometimes find themselves victims of some sort of accident: A bump on the head or a nick from a paring knife.At these times, many of us run for chemical and petroleum-based antibiotic creams, something to both dull the pain and protect us from infection. Maybe we are hoping to avoid inflammation. In any of these cases, it’s good to know that there are natural, plant-based options.With so much attention being put on growing food these days, why not toss some seeds out in the soil for medicinal plants as well? Here are some that can help when dealing with bumps, bruises, and cuts.

More Here: 8 Plants That Are Good for Treating Bumps, Bruises and Cuts | One Green Planet

5 Natural Items for Oral Hygiene

Floride may be thought to do the teeth good but evidence has certainly stacked up against fluoride being a positive to the rest of our body. It’s linked to all sorts of ailments, such as bone cancer, thyroid disease, and brain damage. With the recent rise in consumer awareness, health conscious people are ditching fluoride quickly, and studies are proving it’s something we should all consider.However, for many, this causes concern because we’ve grown up under the illusion that we have to have fluoride in order to have healthy teeth. But, at what cost are we doing this? Furthermore, is there a way in which we can get the benefits fluoride is touted as providing without endangering our lives in the process? Without a doubt, there are plenty of natural items to help maintain our oral hygiene and stay healthy at the same time.Natural ToothpasteWhether done at home with a few simple ingredients or store-bought, natural toothpaste is no big deal to get, and it gets rid of any issues we might have with commercial pastes, most of which flaunt their inclusion of fluoride. There are lots of opinions on homemade toothpastes out there, but to keep it in perspective, humankind survived many, many years without chemically produced, mass marketed, brand name toothpaste. We can — and probably should — learn to press on without them.

More here: 5 Natural Items for Oral Hygiene | One Green Planet

Release and Let Go: 12 Ways to Declutter Your Life

Do you wish your home felt a little more organized and tidy? Don’t we all, right? We tend to accumulate so much stuff over the course of life that it can almost seem to bury us. So why do we hang on to all of this stuff if it just weighs us down? It’s just stuff after all. For many people, it’s more about the emotional attachments to things, rather than the actual items themselves. Or sometimes life gets so busy we forget to even take inventory of our personal belongings.No matter the reason you have all the stuff, it’s vital to regularly take some time to sort through and declutter your home environment. Letting go of items releases stagnant energy and welcomes in new, fresh energy into your space so you can feel more relaxed and at peace in your home. So here are some tips to help you make sense of all that clutter and find your way out of the mound of stuff that’s weighing you down.

more here: Release and Let Go: 12 Ways to Declutter Your Life | One Green Planet

10 Natural Hand Soaps That Are Paraben and SLS Free!

We all know the importance of washing our hands regularly. According to the Center for Disease Control, we can prevent several illnesses and diseases and stop the spread of germs to others simply by washing our hands with clean soap and water. While studies by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have revealed that antibacterial soap is no more effective than plain soap and water – which resulted in an order to remove antibacterials in consumer soaps – there are still several ingredients you might want to avoid.Ingredients like parabens and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) are both common chemical ingredients in conventional household soaps that may actually be harmful to us.Parabens are preservatives added to many personal care products meant to prevent the growth of bacteria and prolong shelf life. One study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that exposure to parabens may lead to increased levels of estrogen in the human body and potentially increase the risk of cancer. When choosing products, look out for ingredients like methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben.SLS is a cleansing and emulsifying agent that is added to many personal care products to make them foam. In spite of being present in so many ingredients, nearly 16,000 studies mention its toxicity. According to the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safety Reviews, SLS can lead to irritation of the skin and eyes, organ toxicity, developmental/reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, ecotoxicology, and biochemical or cellular changes, and possible mutations and cancer. Look out for labels with ingredients like sodium dodecyl sulfate, sulfuric acid, monododecyl ester, sodium salt, sodium salt sulfuric acid, sodium dodecyl sulfate, aquarex me, or aquarex methyl.

more here: 10 Natural Hand Soaps That Are Paraben and SLS Free! | One Green Planet

16 Storage Solutions for Small Spaces


When it comes to creating your home oasis, organization is everything. Think about how extremely relaxed and at ease you are when you’ve just cleaned your home. It can almost feel like a new house! Like many of us, you may even do some reorganizing or decluttering from time to time to free up some space in your home. Sure, it may take a while to get around to it, but once you do, it’s always so worth it. If you live in a larger house, you most likely have plenty of storage to utilize, but for all of us living in smaller spaces, organization can be a bit trickier. Finding a place for everything in your small space can feel like playing Tetris, except not quite as fun. Luckily, we’ve got some great storage solutions for small spaces to help you make the most of the space you have!1. Stock up on containers Containers are a must in a small space. Tupperware, mason jars, decorative cardboard boxes, wicker boxes, old vintage suitcases all make for great storage containers for all your treasures. It’s always great to eliminate plastics from your home too.

more here: 16 Storage Solutions for Small Spaces | One Green Planet

7 Basic Composting Secrets for Better Results

Compost, or at least an attempt at it, is becoming commonplace, and that’s a great thing. Not only is it one of the greenest habits we can all adopt for the good of the planet, but also the end result is something incredibly useful for growing a bit our own food, another green gesture we can all be doing for the mother earth (and ourselves for that matter).All that said, without a doubt, stories of failed composts are almost as commonplace as composting itself. Many of us have been lead to believe that it’s as simple as throwing all of our kitchen scraps into a box and letting it rot. However, the truth is that this will more likely result in a fly-infested, smelly mess. Composting can be easy, but there is a little more to it than kitchen scraps.So, for the novice and experienced composter alike, here are a few tips, techniques and clues gleaned from master composters, for making the pile work a little better.

read more here: 7 Basic Composting Secrets for Better Results | One Green Planet