Tips for Making DIY Hot Sauce From Scratch

In the beginning there were peppers, and humans saw them and knew that they were good, capable of setting the mouth afire, torturing and tantalizing the taste buds all at once. We kept coming back for more. We are still coming back for more. Hot sauce is most definitely a phenomenon of epic proportions, with aptly named selections galore and more sampling than a scorched tongue can handle.

There are classics, Tabasco and Sriracha (make your own), that will never be replaced, and they are worthy of the well-earned reputations and following they have. But, to simply settle on those, or even on one or two of the many tongue-frying varieties that warrant names referencing hell or volcanoes, well, that‘s selling ourselves a bit short. There’s more to hot sauce than just clever handles and being hot.

The truth of the matter is that hot sauce is really simple to make, tastes much better when done fresh and is a lot of fun to tweak here and there, adding a bit of fruit or funking up with roasted veggies. It doesn’t take long to get as hooked on making hot sauce as we are on using it.

via Tips for Making DIY Hot Sauce From Scratch | One Green Planet.

Revamp Your Medicine Cabinet Naturally: Here’s What to Toss and Use Instead

A person’s medicine cabinet (or vitamin/supplement cabinet) can say a good bit about their protocol for staying healthy. Many of us likely had one in the past filled with tons of prescription based cough syrups, OTC pain relievers, and anti-nausea meds. Right? Or, perhaps, we still do. Whatever the case, common medicine has not gotten us very far in staying healthy. These items listed above, along with many others, have only masked the real issue at hand and likely caused some other health issues in the past. Over-the-counter drugs are filled with chemicals, many creams and powders contain heavy metals and endocrine disruptors, while cough syrups often include merely pure sugar and a bunch of chemicals. But when this is all we’ve ever known, it can be tough to initially navigate away from this.

So, to help you revamp your medicine cabinet, consider re-stocking it with some better options. Below are five simple ingredients you can put in your medicine cabinet to replace some unhealthy options. And yes, they work quite well, just in case you were wondering!

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Revamp Your Medicine Cabinet Naturally: Here’s What to Toss and Use Instead | One Green Planet.

10 Simple Ways to Eat at Least 10 Grams of Protein at Each Meal Without Meat

Getting enough protein during meal time is really no biggie, so relax if you’ve decided to push meat aside and make way for plant-based options—good choice! Eliminating meat also reduces the risk of a number of health issues but it doesn’t reduce your ability to enjoy a meal. In fact, making meals delicious without meat is really so simple and satisfying. Protein concerns, however, are still one of the main reasons that people include meat on their plates. Some common myths are that plants can’t supply enough protein or the right types, but that’s really not true. It’s not shameful to say you enjoy eating meat, but know that it isn’t required by the human body to supply enough protein. In fact, you can actually overdose on animal protein, while plants supply beneficial amino acids the body uses without causing a harmful imbalance to occur.

How Much Protein Do We Need at Meals?

One issue many people struggle with is how much protein is enough. Generally speaking, everyone has different needs when it comes to protein content at meal time. Depending on your weight, athletic practice, age, hormones, and lifestyle factors, you may need more than other people need. However, most meals shouldn’t contain less than 10 grams of protein per meal. Why? Because this will provide balance to blood sugar levels, while also supplying amino acids to the neurotransmitters that help your nervous system function. Protein is also helpful for the digestive process, even in small amounts. It can give you sustained energy through the day by boosting metabolism. Not enough will leave you hungry shortly after a meal (as will eating too much sugar or junk food) while eating too much might actually cause digestive upset or can actually cause too much insulin in the body. Ten grams, however, is a safe number that everyone can achieve without much thought. Then, if you’d like to add more (such as 15-20 grams per meal if you’re active), you can certainly do so. You should also aim to include 5-10 grams with each snack you eat to be sure you get enough and for the same nutritional benefits.

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10 Simple Ways to Eat at Least 10 Grams of Protein at Each Meal Without Meat | One Green Planet.

The Best Homemade Remedy Against Clavus

Clavus is a problem that most of the adults are struggling with. If you want to get rid of the unpleasant appearance of feet, in a simple way and for free, purchase the herb called houseleeks (Sempervivum) and make natural remedy that will last three days.

Sempervivum is a plant also known by the name houseleeks. It is a very resistant plant with fleshy and juicy leaf that has amazing properties.

Namely, the juice from the leaves of this plant is used for faster wound healing, against irritations and skin burns. This plant can also be of a great help against feet clavus.

In addition we will present the recipe that will help you get rid of the unpleasant clavus on your feet.

Ingredients needed:

– Houseleeks

– Band aids

Method of preparation:

1. Pick a few houseleek leaves (just enough so the affected area can be covered).

2. Remove the external surface layer of the leaves (the skin like part that is easily removable).

3. Put the peeled houseleek’s leaves onto the clavus and fix them with the band aids.

4. Weak the band aid during the whole day.

5. Repeat this procedure for several days, regularly, and the clavus will completely disappear.

via The Best Homemade Remedy Against Clavus / Healthy Food Star.

10 Tasty Teas to Stock in Your Kitchen and What They Are Good For | One Green Planet

Healthful teas are nothing new to the world, but culturally, many of us have forgotten how to use them. Be it in the United States, the mountains of Colombia or coastal regions of Indonesia, it all takes a short investigation into herbal remedies or homemade treatments to discover what a significant part tea can play in both curative and preventive health. Regardless of how we feel about pharmaceutical meds and medical technology, the power of tea is undeniable.

But, there are so many to choose from, aren’t there? From berry blends to green tea to Earl Grey, the many splendid versions of chai, black, breakfast, and whatever else—there is so much to drink with only so many cups of tea possible in a day, unless we want to be up and down to the bathroom all night. If only we could choose one, two, three even, that seemed applicable to our personal needs and ailments.

Wouldn’t, then, the world of tea just be a wonderful place?

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10 Tasty Teas to Stock in Your Kitchen and What They Are Good For | One Green Planet.

10 Health Benefits Of Avocado

Do you love avocado? Avocado is a very popular “superfood” at the moment, filled with nutrients and good fats. It is also creamy and delicious, and can be used in sandwiches, salads, and omelettes – you can even use it as moisturizer for your hair!

Here are 10 great health benefits of avocado.

1. It Helps Keep You Smart

Here is some food for thought: avocados are filled with omega-3 fatty acids and natural vitamin E, which are both great for your brain. For instance, they improve the blood supply to your pre-frontal cortex, which is the part of your brain responsible for planning, decision making and critical thinking.

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10 Health Benefits Of Avocado.

8 iced coffee popsicles for a cool summer buzz

Before your break out the ice molds, however, there are a few guidelines to follow:

First, use strong iced coffee to ensure the flavor comes through after freezing. Cold brew coffee, or coffee that’s never been exposed to heat, is best. But don’t let the name intimidate you — this is the easiest coffee to brew. Deb Perelman’s two-step instructions on Smitten Kitchen are impossible to mess up; they require only coffee grounds, water and a fine-mesh sieve.

Cold brew coffee can also be brewed in a French press left on the kitchen counter overnight. Just press down the plunger and pour into a clean new container.

Second, try to cut down on freezing time by refrigerating popsicles until very cold, before placing them in the freezer. This will help cut down a bit on ice crystal formation. As culinary scientist Jessica Galvin explains, “[Fast] freezing and very low temperatures would produce the smallest ice crystals and best texture.” That’s where instant popsicle makers come in. They freeze pops within a few minutes, keeping crystallization at bay.

With these tips in mind, you can move on to the fun part: flavorings. Here are a few of our favorites:

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8 iced coffee popsicles for a cool summer buzz.

How to Lose Weight Faster and Stay Healthy : 127 Never Heard Weight Loss Tips for a Fit & Healthy Body

1. Forget the Past and Future. A lot of progress is lost when thinking about all of the times you’ve tried to lose weight and failed, putting off dieting for a later date, or being stymied by all of the things you’ll have to do in the days to come. Focus on the now and get started!.

2. Don’t Sugar Coat Your Current State. Come to terms with how bad you’ve let yourself get, and make a promise never to return to where you’re at. It’s OK to be unhappy about the way you look, as long as you channel that energy into positive changes.

3. Don’t Overeat. This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s one of the hardest habits to break, and one of the most detrimental things you can do to your body.

4. Take on a Weight Loss Challenge. 90 days is the length of most challenges these days, but you can also find 30 and 60 day ones as well. What a challenge does is gets you to go hard out for a finite amount of time, so you can wrap your head around it. Just be sure to have a plan for when the challenge is finished.

5. Don’t Target a Specific Area. Spot treating rarely works, and can be very demotivating. Focus on improving your entire body and you’ll see those troublesome areas get better over time.

6. Don’t Let Giant Food Corporations Weigh You Down. It’s unfortunate the kind of “foods” the big food companies try to sell us. They’re filled with all sorts of additives and chemicals to get us to eat more of it. Take a timeout on pre-packaged fare.

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How to Lose Weight Faster and Stay Healthy : 127 Never Heard Weight Loss Tips for a Fit & Healthy Body.

The Chocolate Milk Diet

Imagine if everything you needed to know about weight loss, you learned in kindergarten. Well, if your teacher gave you chocolate milk as a lunchtime treat, she was (unknowingly) giving you one of the most powerful weight loss tools in the nutritional universe.

Turns out this childhood staple may be the ideal vehicle for your body’s most neglected nutritional needs. Each bottle delivers a package of micro- and macronutrients that can help you shake off body flab and replace it with firm muscle. And when you served it ice-cold, the creamy sweetness flows across your tongue with all the pleasure of a milk shake. Yum.

That’s the crux of what I’m calling “The Chocolate Milk Diet,” which isn’t a diet at all. It’s essentially three eight-ounce servings of chocolate milk consumed at key points throughout your day: one when you wake up, a second before you exercise, and a third directly after your workout. Or, if it’s your day off, just pattern them for morning, afternoon, and night. Sounds good, right? It is, and that’s why it’s so easy. But is this a free ticket to eat as much fried chicken as you want throughout the rest of the day? Unfortunately not, but alongside a healthy diet, it can help you drop lots of belly fat fast. Here are the four reasons why:

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The Chocolate Milk Diet | Eat This Not That.

10 Necessary Items For A Healthy Shopping List

There is just so much conflicting advice about what’s healthy and what’s not these days. What should actually be on a healthy shopping list?

If you buy bottled water, choose water in glass bottles. Unlike plastic, no chemicals leak out of glass, so the quality of the water put into the bottle is preserved.

The compound BPA was shown to be leaking into water from plastic bottles. It has been linked to a variety or serious health problems. Although this chemical has been phased out of a lot of bottles, other unpleasant compounds are still present in plastic that find their way into the water. How long is it going to be before other chemicals are also linked to health problems? Perhaps it’s a good idea to avoid plastic bottles altogether.

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10 Necessary Items For A Healthy Shopping List.